Eternium best companion for bounty hunter
Eternium best companion for bounty hunter

eternium best companion for bounty hunter

In no particular order, here are the best two companions for each class from the original class stories, which means sorry Lana, Senya, and Theron (SPOILERS AHEAD)! While some are certainly interesting, there are those companions who simply stand head and shoulders above the rest. However, not all companions are equal as an update early in the life of the game made it possible to have companions act as any role you needed them to be (tank, DPS, healer), it all comes down to personality. Joining the heroes on these journeys are a whole crew of diverse characters and companions. Star Wars: The Old Republic is chock full of memorable class stories involving wise Jedi, powerful Sith, mercenaries, heroes, and everything in between. If you are still using Assassin's Pistol set, switch over to Igniters pistols for the bonus Tracer Ammo stacks.In the famous words of an old man, "It's dangerous to go alone"! Luckily, in Star Wars: The Old Republic, you have plenty of companions to choose from. If anything survives, trap them and repeat, if not move on to round up the next few mobs. Strategy: Once you lock down a mob with Magnetic Trap, move around it firing at different targets each time to attach more sticky bombs, then hit it with Rapid Fire immediately followed by Heatseekers to set off a chain reaction explosion. Then push these abilities to level 10 for maximum effect. Open the third ability slot and add Magnetic Trap to group up mobs, so you get more bang from Sticky Bomb explosions. Snipe is a Stalker BH ability,and most of your damage will come from Heatseekers and Sticky Bombs.

eternium best companion for bounty hunter

For a Demolitionsist BH, replace Multishot with Rapid Fire for 3 second bonus damage and replace Snipe with Heatseekers.

Eternium best companion for bounty hunter